Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Top 10 Must Haves when Travelling to Caribbean

When travelling to the Caribbean you have to make sure you pack some essentials to make your life easier, it’s not like Canada were you can go to the convenience store if you forgot anything.Here are some helpful tips for easy travelling.

10 Must Haves when Travelling to Caribbean:

  1. Sunscreen! Sunscreen!  Sunscreen! And make sure you reapply...
  2. Appropriate clothing, just because it’s hot make sure you pack a sweater and maybe socks! Nights can become cold!
  3. Medication like Advil, bug spray, allergy pills; as they help to relieve any discomfort. 
  4. Bring along some condiments like ketchup, or mustard, chocolate spread, peanut butter because usually the Caribbean may not have quality of condiments we are used to.
  5. Bring the correct currency! Ensure you are aware of which currency is appropriate, and take smaller bills!
  6. To communicate better try and learn a few key phrases that you may need, even though they will speak English it is good to know just in case. (Emergency words especially!)
  7. If it’s a busy resort ,chairs and loungers may be limited, so first thing in the morning go down to the beach or pool and set your towels down. That way you already have your seat.
  8. Get vaccinated before travelling to other countries. Talk with your doctor and tell them in advance so they are able to treat you accordingly.
  9. Have proper documents including passports, citizenship papers, and any other documents that can be used as identification. 
  10. Bring a pen! You will be signing lots of documents at customs!

©License under Creative Commons: Brucenyc26 (2010)
These easy travelling tips will sure have a great vacation!

Extra tip or two? leave a comment below!

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