Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Caribbean Vacations: Caribbean Snorkeling – What You Need to Know!

Crystal clear waters, exotic marine life, and exciting corals make for one exciting Caribbean vacation! Here are a few tips to remember while you do a little Caribbean snorkeling!

Equipment: Equipment is everything; consider bringing your own as it would reduce the time spent trying to make it comfortable leaving more time for you to enjoy the wonders!
Renting? Sometimes the cheapest equipment may not always be the best choice, choose the one that fits your face perfectly.

Safe Sunscreen: Make sure you protect your skin and the reefs! Some sunscreen may be banned around the coral reefs that you may be exploring as the chemicals can come off and potentially harm the reefs.

Know Your Surroundings: If you are using a guide, they can better tell you what to keep an eye out for, as some coral reefs such as the fire reefs can sting you or the wild life can potentially harm you.

Think Ahead: You may be an Olympic swimmer, but remember there are many factors which can result in fatigue. Wear proper floatation devices this will help you to stay afloat, and just may save you from a nasty cut from drifting into a coral.

Remember to check with your hotel for any snorkeling day trips, prices usually run between $50-$100 USD. A guide is usually the best choice for your first venture out.   

©License under Creative Commons: Jim Maragos/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2011)
Have you snorkeled in the Caribbean? Any cool tips that a beginner snorkeler should watch out for? Share your experiences! 

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