Sunday, March 16, 2014

Caribbean Vacations – The Best Coral Reef in the Caribbean!

For your next Caribbean vacation what coral reef would you look out for?

©License under Creative Commons: Lars Plougmann (2013)
The Caribbean is home to many sights, both on land and under water. But it’s the underwater life that brings in the bucks. Trinidad and Tobago is home to Buccoo Reef which is said to be the best the Caribbean. Do you agree?

Looking at my back examination of Buccoo Reef my blog “Caribbean Vacations –The Famous Buccoo Reef, Tobago!” I sure believe that it just may be the best!

Some argue that Champagne in Dominica can give Buccoo Reef a run for its money! Champagne has been known for how its sea horses and frogfish accompany swimmers on their exploration. But is the wild life as extensive and diverse as that in Tobago.

Each island has its own unique experience. How would you base your coral reef destination? Would it be through the tropical diversity or by the tropical interaction like that in Champagne Dominica?

What type of experience would you want?

©License under Creative Commons: Jim Maragos/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2011)

For your next Caribbean vacation what coral reef would you look out for?

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